Non members may shoot HRPC club matches.
The HRPC is always looking for new shooters to join our matches. Matches are usually held on weekends although some matches such as benchrest and black powder are also held on week days. If you have never participated in one of our matches, we recommend starting with a “Fun Rifle” or “Fun Pistol” Match. For specifics about these and other matches, please check the various website tabs for more detailed information. In general, please note the following:
1. Rifle matches are limited to any .22 rimfire ammo. Standard velocity is recommended. No centerfire rifles are allowed.
2. Pistol Matches are limited to .22 rimfire ammo, 9mm, .38Spl., .40 and .45ACP.
3. No magnum loads are allowed other than .22 rimfire.
Registration for all matches takes place at the Stat Office window. This office is located behind the firing line between the 50 yard and 100 yard range. Participation in any match is at the discretion of the Match Director. Check the Club Calendar for match dates but please understand that sometimes changes do not get posted.
All shooters should bring a staple gun for posting targets, a clipboard and pen or pencil for keeping score, and “pasters” (black, white and/or beige) to repair targets where necessary. Tape of the appropriate color is acceptable.
Before shooting in any match, make sure you understand the safety rules. If in doubt, ask the Match Director or other designated official.
Individuals interested in becoming members of the HRPC must be sponsored by a Club member. Shooting in our matches is a good way to meet Club members and to find a sponsor.